Saturday, April 14, 2007

Let's All Hate Toronto

"If there's one thing that truly unites Canadians it's our national pastime of bashing Toronto. This tongue-in-cheek road doc follows "Mister Toronto" as he embarks on a coast-to-coast "Toronto Appreciation Tour", encountering "recovering Torontonians" and those who would be quite happy never to step foot in our fair city. Are we really Torauma, Onterrible? Yes, according to a "professional Toronto hater." And in Newfoundland they finally discover the answer to a question that has boggled them for ages: Why do all the trees point west? ("Because Toronto sucks that much.") Can the city that the United Nations cited as the world's most culturally diverse, really be that bad? Or is the rest of Canada just a little envious of our obvious superiority among Canada's metropolitan centres? Let's All Hate Toronto gets to the bottom of Toronto resentment and envy." [source]

'Let's All Hate Toronto' premieres next week at the internationally acclaimed Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival

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